The European Exhibition Industry Alliance is Associate Partner with the European Commission's Enterprise Europe Network (EEN). The EEN helps small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) make the most of business opportunities in the EU and beyond. It helps SMEs innovate and grow internationally. The EEN offers many services free of charge by experts in around 600 member organisations, including chambers of commerce and industry, technology centres, universities and development agencies.
EEIA share the interest to boost SME internationalisation and promotes trade fairs as a very effective tool. It makes sense especially for SMEs or start-ups to concentrate on participating in exhibitions taking place in Europe as a first step to internationalise. EEIA underlines that early coordination between the different players is crucial to avoid parallel structures, to seize synergies and maximise effects to the benefit of SMEs.
Access the Enterprise Europe Network


The European Exhibition Industry Alliance promotes the respect of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) to exhibitors and visitors of exhibitions.
During exhibitions, innovations and product novelties are disclosed, the latest trends and competitors's offers can be seen. Exhibition organisers aim at providing an inspiring and fair business environment, therefore many run initiatives on their exhibitions to raise awareness of IPR and support enforcement of IPR, especially directed to SMEs.

The European Exhibition Industry Alliance exchanges with the European Commission on the isssue and partners with its IPR Helpdesks. A series of exhibition related fact sheets and leaflets has been published. They can be downloaded here.
Get more info about the IPR Helpdesks here:
European IPR Helpdesk
China IPR SME Helpdesk
South-East Asia IPR SME Helpdesk
Latin America IPR SME Helpdesk 


Furthermore, EEIA has partnered up with the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), which has recently signed collaboration agreements with EMECA, the European Major Exhibition Centres Association and UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry.  With these agreements, the EUIPO consolidates its connection with exhibition venues and event organisers across the entire value chain, reaching out to a wider audience that could benefit from the use of Intellectual Property and EUIPO initiatives. Both EMECA and UFI members will benefit from this collaboration by gaining a deeper understanding of why IP can help businesses and how to help exhibitors protect their IP and prevent counterfeiting when showcasing their products at trade fairs. For this the EUIPO will offer expertise through training, webinars, and other collaborative actions.

Ideas powered for business network


Do you need more information on IPR?


Watch our latest Webinar on How to protect your Intellectual Propery Rights at trade fairs internationally? co-organised by IP Helpdesk and EEIA.

Get free information and support on your Intellectual Property issues and apply for the European Union Intellectual Property Office's SME Fund.

Download our brand new leaflets on IPR protection:


THE EU BUSINESS HUB - Japan and the Republic of Korea

The EU Business Hub - Japan and the Republic of Korea is an EU-funded programme that supports EU Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and start-ups in the green, digital, and healthcare sectors to enter the markets of Japan and the Republic of Korea. It aims to strengthen EU businesses' export and investment activities and to foster more resilient, sustainable, and technologically advanced value chains with both markets. 10 business missions to Japan and 10 to the Republic of Korea to leading trade fairs will be organised over the next four years. Each business mission will allow a group of 50 cutting-edge companies to benefit from extensive and tailored business coaching and logistical support throughout their participation.

The European Exhibition Industry Alliance is one of the partners of the project, working to expand the reach of the initiative and maximise the impact of the missions to EU companies.

Discover more on the official website:

OTF 2.0

EEIA is part of the EIC Overseas Trade Fairs 2.0 Programme (OTF 2.0)

OTF 2.0 supports European Innovation Council's beneficiaries to promote their commercialisation strategy in foreign markets and leverage business opportunities at the most popular trade fairs, strengthening the EU innovation brand around the world. Selected EIC-funded SMEs, startups and scale-ups from EU Member States and associated countries will have access to the programme.Logo OTF 2.0


Exhibition Alliance consortium won EU tender for B2B meetings at trade fairs
A consortium comprising the two EEIA organisations EMECA and UFI, Eurochambres and communication partner LOW have won the EUR 1.35 million contract to manage the organisation of EU to Third Country B2B events at ten international exhibitions in Europe and outside. The offer handed in by the group under the lead of Eurochambres achieved an outstanding score at the evaluation. The project was kicked off in October 2016 and ran for 30 months. It has been managed by a project team in Brussels and branded under the name “Business Beyond Borders”.
The ten selected trade fairs benefitted from financial support and team up with their local chambers for the implementation of the matchmaking and policy events. These offers represented an attractive add-on to their exhibitions for existing and potential new exhibitors and visitors. Aligned PR across all levels gave a high visibility to the participating exhibitions.
The objective of this initiative by the European Commission was to encourage and practically support EU businesses, in particular SMEs and clusters of businesses, to operate internationally. It was embedded into a variety of programmes, measures and networks financed by the European Commission. Possible synergies between all programmes have been exploited and the networks acted as multipliers for this project. In addition to the B2B, B2C (business to cluster) and C2C (cluster to cluster) brokerage events, a half day policy conference was offered.



EEIA publishes an updated report on measures taken by European governments to support the exhibition industry through the ongoing COVID-19 crisis: Download EEIA Report on European State Aid for Covid-19 UPDATE MARCH 2022 read more


The European Exhibition Industry Alliance is proud of Europe’s role and success which has always been intertwined with its unique position as a marketplace for businesses, ideas and people to come together. Trade connects people and the trust gained through face-to-face meetings is equally instilled within the European culture and values. The Treaty on the functioning of… read more


The European Exhibition Industry welcomes European countries’ lifting internal measures and restrictions on international travel calls for immediate adoption of an updated framework to travel from outside the EU that is fit for purpose expects coordinated implementation of such a framework across all Member States once more encourages the Council and all Member States… read more


The European Exhibition Industry Alliance publishes a Position Paper on the coordination of safe travel, EU Digital COVID Certificates and the ability of smooth business travel to protect the safe functioning of the economy and its exhibition platforms for R&D, innovation and trade. Download: EEIA Position Paper - Urgent call for coordinated approach to business… read more

2nd June 2021 is Global Exhibition Day! EEIA Publishes a new Position Paper:  The European Exhibition Industry - welcomes the EU Digital Covid Certificate and urges all European countries to restore and maintain safe travel for business purposes at any time - calls for recognising and involving trade fairs and other professional events as the key instrument for green and… read more

EEIA publishes an updated report on measures taken by European governments to support the exhibition industry through the ongoing COVID-19 crisis: Download EEIA Report on European State Aid for Covid-19 UPDATE MAY 2021 read more

EEIA puplishes a new Position Paper: The European Exhibition Industry welcomes European Council plan to develop digital vaccination certificate and calls upon EU Tourism Ministers to safely restore travel in a coordinated approach. Download EEIA Position Paper - Digital certificate and coordinated travel approach read more

EEIA publishes a new Position Paper: Exhibition Industry supports - Greek initiative for EU digital vaccination certificate - Global solution with IATA Travel pass  EEIA Position DIGITAL VACCINATION CERTIFICATE / IATA TRAVEL PASS read more

EEIA publishes Position Paper on  Creating perspectives for the exhibitions and events industry by - Harmonising EU travel regulations - Implementing targeted measures to enable international travel to business events like exhibitions, trade fairs and congresses - Incentivising exhibitors, visitors and delegates read more

EEIA publishes a new Position Paper:  Trade fairs and exhibitions business still flat. Incentives for exhibitors and visitors needed. Exhibitions are essential strategic instrument to boost economic recovery. read more

3rd June 2020 is Global Exhibition Day! EEIA Publishes a new Position Paper on Exhibitions as ECONOMIC GROWTH ENGINES. You can download the paper here:EEIA Position GLOBAL EXHIBITIONS DAY 3 June 2020 read more

EEIA publishes a new Position Paper co-signed by EMECA, UFI, EVVC, IELA, IFES, LiveCom Alliance – highlighting the importance of exhibitions and events for the economic recovery and proposing health & safety as well as economic measures for a safe and successful restart. Exhibitions and live events are the fast track to economic recovery after COVID-19 shutdown read more

Update: Coronavirus outbreak – Impact on the European exhibition industry and economy in general Support to avoid bankruptcy and prepare for recovery Coronavirus impacts on the European exhibition industry - support and recovery preparations read more

Coronavirus outbreak – Impact on the European exhibition industry and economy in general Request for remedies to ease the emergency and allow recovery Coronavirus impacts on the European exhibition industry - request for remedies read more

Contribution to the Public Consultation on EU Design legislation highlighting the role of Exhibition Prioty Certificates: EEIA Position EU Design Legislation read more